Cities and Towns

I can’t remember the story of this game, how it came up to my mind. But it just happened. And several evening later, here you go.

Idea is very simple – you have town, some inhabitants and time. Working, building, growing and so far. Of course, user interface is not much of a master piece, but it works. Rules are quite simple, too:

  • Every single unoccupied inhabitant produces 1 food and 1 gold per day. (+1 food, +1 gold)
  • Every single worker produces 1 resource and eats 1 food per day. (+1 resource, -1 food)
  • Every single soldier eats 1 food and gets paid 1 gold per day.  (-1 gold, -1 food)
  • Training soldier costs 1 gold, wood, metal and stone.
  • You can retire (untrain) soldiers in order to conserve food/gold
  • Occasionally town will be attacked by foes. Have some soldiers.
  • Details about every building/technology can be viewed by clicking on it.


Cities and Towns 2

This game is a follow up from pervious game. Just we had a project in Visual Basic course and I wanted to remake this game. Easy and quite fast, not that advanced in gameplay mechanics, but “better” graphics and user interface 😀

Further more this version includes save and load functionality and if you start a new game, you get a random map each time. But only problem is that you have not much to do around the game 🙂 Pity, maybe some days later I will continue…


Cities and Towns 2 for Windows