Plebiscitum – friend or foe?

It’s hard to go by in our times without hearing something about politics. New law here, meeting of the heads there, corruption scandal over there. But usually it all starts with one and the same thing – elections. If you want to get in and stay in “the game”, you have to get elected. That is what this game is all about – winning the elections. Any means necessary.

This is the game me, Alessandro Suraci and Cyrill Averbeck have created during Gameplay Design course at Chalmers University. The game revolves around the world of politics, parties and elections. The whole essence of the game is the decision between standing up for your party or… well, yourself. This game is played in teams (which are considered to be political parties) and in order to win you have to be both the best within your party and your party has to be the best. This leads to amount of interesting dilemmas – should you try to crush opposing party or backstab your colleague, should you try to be hard working and honest politician or go dirty and expect to get away with it. It is fun, addictive, beautiful and sarcastic game for anyone who is at least a little bit aware of the politics!

We have published our game on The Game Crafter website. It’s quite expensive, unless you are living in the USA. Here is the link:

Plebiscitum @ The Game Crafter