GGJ – Heart Traffic

So. Happened that my university was one of the GGJ locations. I was planning to participate anyways, but still 🙂 It was really entertaining 48 hours and I had chance to try something new and get more experience. And the result is here 😀 By the way, theme this year was literally a sound of beating heart 🙂 Not kidding, what we’ve got was just a black screen with heart beating in the background 🙂

You can check it out directly at GGJ website – Heart Traffic or just download executables from down below (both APK for Androids above 2.2 and JAR for anything that has Java Runtime Environment 7).

Heart Traffic screenshot


Void of Hate

Several minutes ago Fuck This Jam has ended. And I have managed to create and submit something. That something is of course Void of Hate, which I’ve described several days ago. But this time, I’m showing not just screenshots. Like these…


Planet View

Title screen


Unfortunately, because of various reasons finally leading to me, this game is far away from finished. Turrets in planets are not shooting, research options are vague and AI is as I call “Brownian Motion AI”. Oh, and by the way, there is no resources (so everything is free!), some descriptions missing. Moreover, … ah, what a hell, download and check it out yourselves.

Download Void of Hate

Fuck This Jam

So, today starts Fuck This Jam. The game jam about creating a game in a genre you hate. Thus. I’ve decided to participate in this jam.

I never thought that it might be so hard to think of a game you hate. Every single game I’ve played is appealing in one or another way. But. I’ve decided to look for a boring game for me. And this is the space colonization/strategy game. The ones like Master of Orion or Alpha Centauri.

Master of Orion

Master of Orion

I’m going to use Java with GTGE and will see what is going to be. For now I do not have any details about the gameplay or anything else… Well, because I hate it… 😀