Card Game Desktop

I am gamer. And as it comes sometimes, I have some stupid idea that I want to create a game. And once I figured that it would be cool to have a nice board/card/rpg game. And then I made my first prototype, printed it out, cut all the cards. It took me a lot of time, a lot of printer toner and a lot of paper. That’s when I tried to come up with an easier solution – find a software which would allow to play various card games. But I couldn’t find any. This is why I’ve decided to try to create my own. For starters it had only two feature requirements: 1) you can add any image from your computer as card to the playing field. 2) you can move around, scale up or down and flip up or down the card. Essentially, that is the only things that you would need for a simulation of any card based game. For some time I’ve developed it a bit further, but then I’ve got carried away with the rest of my life and it got stuck. Furthermore, I was/am using quite out-dated engine for doing all the drawings (I liked it back then), which discourages even more from continuing it as it is now. But if I would migrate it to some other engine, who knows…

Screenshot 1 - CGD Screenshot 2 - CGD Screenshot 3 - CGD Screenshot 3 - CGD

Since it is kind of in development, binaries are not ready for distribution, but you could build (it’s buildable and runnable in debug mode) from source yourself and play around. The source code is freely available here:

Card Game Desktop @ Drags’ Bitbucket

As I said, it depends on external library which you could get from the link below. And in general, you can contact me if there are any problems 🙂

GTGE Homepage

Fuck This Jam

So, today starts Fuck This Jam. The game jam about creating a game in a genre you hate. Thus. I’ve decided to participate in this jam.

I never thought that it might be so hard to think of a game you hate. Every single game I’ve played is appealing in one or another way. But. I’ve decided to look for a boring game for me. And this is the space colonization/strategy game. The ones like Master of Orion or Alpha Centauri.

Master of Orion

Master of Orion

I’m going to use Java with GTGE and will see what is going to be. For now I do not have any details about the gameplay or anything else… Well, because I hate it… 😀