
One of the most sophisticated and awesome things I’ve ever done together with course mate and friend Arnoldas Gurskis. Text based MMORPG which was actually working. Just because it was more or less educational project, it was discontinued because of… well… textual reasons…

Unfortunately neither source or binaries will go public. Source won’t go public because I don’t want to (for now) and binaries will be useless because there is no active servers.

Cities and Towns

I can’t remember the story of this game, how it came up to my mind. But it just happened. And several evening later, here you go.

Idea is very simple – you have town, some inhabitants and time. Working, building, growing and so far. Of course, user interface is not much of a master piece, but it works. Rules are quite simple, too:

  • Every single unoccupied inhabitant produces 1 food and 1 gold per day. (+1 food, +1 gold)
  • Every single worker produces 1 resource and eats 1 food per day. (+1 resource, -1 food)
  • Every single soldier eats 1 food and gets paid 1 gold per day.  (-1 gold, -1 food)
  • Training soldier costs 1 gold, wood, metal and stone.
  • You can retire (untrain) soldiers in order to conserve food/gold
  • Occasionally town will be attacked by foes. Have some soldiers.
  • Details about every building/technology can be viewed by clicking on it.


Cities and Towns 2

This game is a follow up from pervious game. Just we had a project in Visual Basic course and I wanted to remake this game. Easy and quite fast, not that advanced in gameplay mechanics, but “better” graphics and user interface 😀

Further more this version includes save and load functionality and if you start a new game, you get a random map each time. But only problem is that you have not much to do around the game 🙂 Pity, maybe some days later I will continue…


Cities and Towns 2 for Windows