Interesting part, part 2

As it was suppose to be, Sp1 has ended. Last week was literally a mess. I think I’ve beaten all my “stay indoors for x days” records, because I did that for 3 days in a row… Yep, it’s not that much, but it is a lot for me. So what was last week?

Last week was exams. And home exams, to be more specific. Which means, you can stay at home and just write… Like about 3 000 words for one exam and at least 6 pages of text for another exam… I am not going to get into the details about the exam and how went it for me, because I don’t want to remember it. I don’t know what have happened to me or my sanity. I even went running on Saturday morning. On purpose. Voluntarily. And I liked it. Well, but it is over.

As a compensation we had free Monday yesterday. It was not good either, because I haven’t slept enough, because I’ve played too much on Sunday and just very late in the night I remembered that I have laundry booked very early in the morning. Afternoon nap didn’t help either. But again, it’s over, too.

And it is Tuesday, which is supposed to be the worst day of the week (for me). And I am free from University 😀 Because, I simply don’t have and won’t have any lectures on Tuesdays. Till the end of Sp2! Woot! PongFour, Warcraft 3, running is awaiting. But before all that… Breakfast!

I can’t wait for tomorrow when Computer Graphics starts. Have a nice day, everyone!