Interesting part, part 1

So, the time has come for the exams week. Yep, it’s right. 7 weeks have passed since the beginning of start of university. Which means, it is just a week left of the Study Period 1. Which means, the next week is exams. How cool is that?

I actually, love this system. Whole academic year is divided into four study periods (each 8 weeks long) – two in the autumn term and two in the spring term. During each study period you have 1-3 courses (usually it is 2, but you can take one extra if you want other study period to be easier and have just 1). And as it seems, during any day of the week (I mean, Monday to Friday) there are lectures or workshops or whatever of just one course. For example, previous seven weeks I had one Interaction Design Methodology on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. No other courses or lectures during that days nor lectures or anything else of IDM during other days of the week. Again, How cool is that?

And finally, next week  is (supposed) to be exams week. So it means, I will have two exams (because I have to courses this Sp). It looks like a lot, but I don’t feel like it is a lot. Cyrilliously . We will see after this week. But today is Saturday… So maybe some sightseeing? o.O